Dear Prospective Sponsor:
The purpose of this letter is to invite you to partner with us to reach women with the gospel of Jesus Christ as a Sponsor for the Say Yes To His Dress Workshop to be held on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Becoming More Beautiful is passionate about helping women to pursue Jesus to become like Him. The heartbeat of our ministry is 2 Corinthians 3:18:
Our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful
as God enters our lives and we become like him.
A diverse group of women of all ages will be attending this event, and will provide an opportunity for Sponsors to:
Gain or expand brand visibility and awareness in the faith-based community
Support an event aimed towards enriching the spiritual lives of women of all ages
Complimentary tickets to Say Yes To His Dress Workshop
Say Yes To His Dress Workshop will be held at the Historic Oakland, an elegant wedding venue in downtown Columbia, Maryland. The perfect setting for participants to focus on being ready for the return of Jesus and discovering the beauty of being His bride.
Revelation 19:7-8 describes the excitement of the wedding and the bridal attire by saying, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)”
We are so excited about this event and the impact it will make now and through eternity for women who will attend. We ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us as a Sponsor. The outline of the sponsorship packages and agreement information are enclosed.
Debbie Milton, Founder
Sponsorship Packages
Please review the opportunities to support the Say Yes To His Dress Workshop presented by the ministry of Becoming More Beautiful. The expected attendance is over 50 participants. The following packages are available:
Pearl Sponsor
Recognition onsite at the workshop
Company logo or individual name listed in booklet and on website
Three (3) complimentary workshop tickets
Opportunity to provide marketing material or giveaway in bride bags
A Gift for You
Sapphire Sponsor
Recognition onsite at the workshop
Company logo or individual name listed in booklet and on website
Three (3) complimentary workshop tickets
Opportunity to provide marketing material or giveaway in bride bags
Diamond Sponsor
Company logo or individual name listed in booklet and on website
Two (2) complimentary workshop tickets
Opportunity to provide marketing material or giveaway in bride bags
Ruby Sponsor
Two (2) workshop tickets
Opportunity to provide marketing material or giveaway in bride bags
QUESTIONS: Email: or call 301-502-1914
Sponsorship Agreement
Please type the requested information below:
Sponsorship payments are due by Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Credit card payments are accepted here. You will be redirected to our Give page where you can make your donation at the top of the page.
Becoming More Beautiful is an individual business with a registered Employer Identification Number issued from the Internal Revenue Service. We do not have tax exempt status; therefore, contributions are not tax deductible.