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for Beautiful Singleness

Beautiful Singleness

Single Women

Beautiful Singleness

Singleness can cause us to forget how valuable we are and doubt God’s love.  No matter how you may feel, God has a beautiful purpose for your singleness to make an eternal impact on this world for the glory of God.

Get Your Pearls Back  

Get Your Pearls Back     

What do you do when your heart has been trampled by someone who doesn’t recognize your value?  We are admonished in God’s Word to not throw our pearls at those who don't appreciate our value.  It’s time to Get Your Pearls Back!

Fine China Women

Fine China Women

Are you waiting to become a bride before you buy fine china?  Stop eating off of paper plates; buy you some fine china.  Discover how to be fine china women offering to Jesus your singleness, learning the beauty of being set apart for God.

Becoming As One

Becoming As One

Who you are becoming in your singleness will be who you are in your marriage.  In this life changing event, discover how to become the person God desires you to be before becoming as one in marriage.

​Wide Awake

Single Women and Single Men (Events tailored for single women or single women and single men)

Wide Awake

God charges us to not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.  A heart desiring love, intimacy, or companionship can awaken love in ways that are not honoring to God.  Learn in this powerful event what to do when love is wide awake?

If Only I Had

If Only I Had

Do you believe more possessions, a better job, or Mr. or Mrs. Right will chase away your discontentment?  Learn in this session, how to be content when you long for what is not yours or yours yet.

Grown Folk Dating

Grown Folk Dating

As we mature in the Lord, our dating as well as our character should be different from the world.  Are you drawing the person you are dating or engaged closer to the Lord?  Do you struggle in areas such as commitment, being too needy, unrealistic expectations, or jealousy to name a few?  This is grown folk conversation for singles of all ages.

Not Her Husband

Not Her Husband

Jesus told the woman at the well that she had five husbands and the husband she was with was not her husband.  How many relationships have you enjoyed the benefits of marriage without the commitment?  A revealing session to discover how these benefits hinder your relationship with Christ and lessen your desire for marriage.

SWAG (Singles Walking After God) Party

SWAG (Singles Walking After God) Party

God is doing amazing things in the lives of single men and women who choose to walk after Him.  It is time to be celebrated at a SWAG Party.  Join with other singles of all ages for worship and a fresh newness to walk worthy of your calling whether singleness is for a season or for a lifetime.

Leadership/Church Presentation

Valuing Singles

As the demographics for singles have increased more than those married in America, the opportunity to disciple singles is crucial.  Speaking as a single who was married, Debbie is able to put in perspective for church leaders, the importance of single friendly churches and ways to better reach singles in the church and community.

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One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell

in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the

beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.

(Psalms 27:4)

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